Navigating the Form

The left side of each application contains the navigational tools.

Tree View Navigation

This link is located in the top left of the application. This is used to review all the technical data of your application on one page. It is good practice to verify the data in the tree view just before sending your application to the coordinator.

Spectrum Request Form

This link is used to define which coordinator you want to send your application to. Additionally, you must provide detailed information here about what you are requesting (band, frequency, and/or emission.) This is the initial document that the coordinator will use to not only contact you but also determine what you want done.

Main Page 1-3 & Schedule H

The links Main Page 1 – 3 and Schedule H work and look just like the paper Form 601, so simply fill these out as you would normally.

Please remember to click the SAVE button as you move page to page so that all your data is saved.

On the top of each page of the application you will several helpful links.

The Paper clip is used to upload attachments with your application. This means you do not have to fax or email additional documents.

The note icon is used to enter free from comments that you want to tell the coordinator. Additionally, the coordinator can place comments here which you can read.

The print preview (icon on the right) is used to create a form 601 PDF so that you can save a copy for yourself.

Table View Navigation

The table view has been designed to enter data quickly. It is only helpful when adding, modifying or deleting frequencies or emissions.

Both of the table views work the same way. To see an example click on the Frequencies link under Table View (see below).

It is very important to understand the color coding of the form. The blue lines are items that are on the license but are not on your application. White lines have been added to your application and will be sent to the FCC when your application is filed.

SpectrumWatch adds or removes data from your application based on the Frequency/Emission Action Code. If your application has a number of locations the filter option lets you limit your list of frequencies based on which location or location/antenna you choose to work with.

The line copy check box allows the system to copy the current line of data to the next file as you enter data. This option is useful for adding many frequencies.

There are four frequency actions:  

  • Add is used to add to the existing license.
  • Modify is used to change from one value to another.
  • Delete is used to DELETE the Frequency from the License.
  • Remove is used to remove a change to your application which you do not want sent with your application.

Note: You will notice from time to time that some values are Green. This shows you that the value has been changed from the license.